Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Uber Man..the Beastman

So I was challenged this month by 2 of my oldest gaming buddies to get a project completed https://40kheresy.com

So I have had this rag tag beastman army sitting around for about 20 years. I did a few test units at my highest standard at the time then put them away never to see the light of day again till recently. 

What change? Well alot in warhammer. The Warhammer this army was going to be built in has been destroyed! Replaced by Age of Sigmar. 

One of the reasons I could never get motivated to complete this army was the sheer amount of grunts I would have to paint. With the advent of AoS this is no longer the case. 

It just so happended that I had on the side been collecting dragon ogres. Why??? Because back in the day these were the number one miniature. The apex stat line. The $49.95 per minature that 17 year old me could never justify over booze and food. 

As you can see I had done a bit of work on them.... That's like 2 years on and off. Even did a test mini. 
I went with the Fury method as I could spend hours and hours just doing one of these bad boys. You know what they will never get done. This way they are table top ready and if I want to go back and add layers I can. 

So the end result.
I got so excited (and covid-19 movement restrictions) I said "stuff it" let's finish this army. 

Over two days I pumped out the finishing touches. 
Heard stone. I did this a while back. Came out mint. Alot of the time I have no idea how I'm going to paint a mini but to get over the fear I just start. 

Not my best work. I will be coming back to him. The axe I'm going to try an marbling effect so it's not done yet... I could also lose myself for days on his skin.... He is done... Not black or silver... Not sitting in a pile of shame so be it. 
Minators were actually heaps of fun. The guy on the left is the original doom bull from 88 I think. I had to track him down and it cost me like $40! Well worth it. 
Doom Bull! His original arm snapped off so I was like stuff it let's go next level. I found an old high elf chariot and nailed it through his arm. Had to mount him on a higher base to give him more presence. He came out really well. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Well then...

Its been a while and looks like some of my pics have vanished. Too bad as I changed phones a while back so they are gone to sands of time. 

Still using the method and still have no probs with it. 

I recently bought one of a light box 
For $17 delivered no problems. 

The results are pretty dam cool. 
and boom my space wolves are almost there
The wolves were not painted using the method. They are painted the old school 90's style as God intended. 

That enough for now peace.